
The OpenEPI developer portal uses cookies solely for authentication purposes. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device to help us recognize you when you return to our site. No cookies will be used for tracking or shared with any third parties.

Overview of Cookies on

cookie_informedUsed to avoid unnecessary cookie consent bannerNecessary90 daysOpenEpi
__Secure-openepi_userUsed for authentication with login serviceNecessary7 daysOpenEpi
__Secure-openepi_user_csrfUsed for authentication with login serviceNecessary7 daysOpenEpi
AUTH_SESSION_ID_LEGACYUsed for authentication with login serviceNecessarySessionOpenEpi
AUTH_SESSION_IDUsed for authentication with login serviceNecessarySessionOpenEpi
KC_RESTARTUsed for authentication with login serviceNecessarySessionOpenEpi
usernameStores the username of the userNecessarySessionOpenEpi